If you do any type of marketing online you definitely know that traffic can be a headache.
We’ve made a traffic machine I think you’ll dig!
McLinko is a platform that allows you the marketing guru to search up a keyword you want to target and it’ll search across YouTube to find broken urls and expired domains that you can buy or reregister with your own registrar.
We are excited to help you build a better business online moving forward!
Search For Keywords
McLinko uses the YouTube API to search for videos using the keywords you enter. The results are analyzed and any broken links are reported back to you.
Uses YouTube API
We connect using the YouTube API to do all our searching. This means we aren't breaking any terms of usage rules.
Find Broken Links
Most YouTube content makers want to earn money by putting affiliate links in their descriptions. Most also include their social links so their fans can keep up to date with them on all platforms.
Target Channels
You can target channels and find clumsy marketers who have entered wrong links or re-branded their social accounts without changing the links in their videos.
Find Broken Social Channels
Using McLinko, you can quickly identify any social accounts that don't exist. In most cases you can re-create the account and start receiving traffic and gaining new followers.
Features At A Glance
Find Broken Social Links
Often times, channels rebrand and create new social media accounts.
However, it takes too much time to go through all their videos to change their Facebook and Instagram links to point to the new page.
YouTube videos still keep getting views month and even years after they were created, and these links are still getting clicked, but unfortunately the user will get a 404 page. That is traffic that they are missing out on, but you could take advantage of.

Easy To Use Interface
From your dashboard, you can quickly see your recent searches and how many broken links you have found.
Here, you can enter your search term and trigger new searches. The searches run in the background so you can turn your computer off knowing they will have finished when you come back to them later.
Search Complete Channels
Let's say you have found a broken link that may provide a lot of traffic. However, you don't know how many times that link appears in the other videos on the channel. It may be once. It may be on every video.
McLinko takes the guesswork out of the equation by allowing you to analize all the links on all the videos on a channel, and telling you how many times that link is broken.
If it's only broken on one video it may not be worth investigating further. However, if it is broken over 250 videos, that is a lot of free traffic you could be getting.

Get our launch deal!
To celebrate the launch of McLinko, we are offering the Pro package for the price of the Basic package.
That is, unlimited searches and 999 channel searches per month, for the bargain price of only $9.95!
Simply select the Launch Deal when you register. Hurry, this won't last forever.
Our Pricing
We understand that everyones needs and usage will be different.
This is why we have created three pricing levels.
Unlimited Searches
No Channel Searches
Unlimited Searches
One Channel Search/Month
Unlimited Searches
999 Channel Searches/Month